Java Dictionary

A java dictionary is an abstract class that stores key-value pairs. Given a key, values can be stored and retrieved as needed; thus, a dictionary is a list of key-value pairs. Classes that implement this kind of interface include HashTables, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, etc.

The Dictionary object class is implemented in java.utils.

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There are some Dictionary implementations that also ​allow various values to be referenced with a single key.

Class methods

  • Dictionary(): the default constructor.

  • elements(): returns the enumeration of all the values in the dictionary.

  • isEmpty(): checks whether or not the dictionary is empty.

  • keys(): returns the enumeration of all the keys in the dictionary.

  • put(K key, V value): adds the key-value pair to the dictionary.

  • remove(K key): removes the key-value pair that was mapped with the specified key.

  • get(K key): returns the value that was mapped to the specified ​key.

  • size():​ returns the number of key-value pairs in the Dictionary.


The usage of the above methods is illustrated in the code snippet below:

import java.util.*;
class My_Dictionary
public static void main(String[] args)
// initializing My HashTable Dictionary
Hashtable<String, String> my_dict = new Hashtable<String, String>();
// using elements() method
for (Enumeration x = my_dict.elements(); x.hasMoreElements();)
System.out.println("Values in my_dict: " + x.nextElement());
// using isEmpty() method
System.out.println("\nIs my dictionary empty?: " + my_dict.isEmpty() + "\n");
// using keys() method
for (Enumeration x = my_dict.keys(); x.hasMoreElements();)
System.out.println("Keys in my_dict: " + x.nextElement());
// using put method
my_dict.put("01", "Apple");
my_dict.put("10", "Banana");
// using remove() method
// remove value at key 10
System.out.println("Checking if the removed value exists: " + my_dict.get("10"));
// using get() method
System.out.println("\nValue at key = 10: " + my_dict.get("10"));
System.out.println("Value at key = 11: " + my_dict.get("11"));
// using size() method
System.out.println("\nSize of my_dict : " + my_dict.size());

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