Model selection in machine learning

Model selection is an important machine learning process that focuses on adopting the best suitable algorithm and model for a specific dataset. It includes assessing and comparing different models to identify the one that produces the best results. Different features are considered, and varying metrics are used to reach a conclusion.

Types of machine learning models

Machine learning models are sorted and categorized under different types to make the model selection easier and more accurate. We can verify our requirements and scenario with how each type processes and then choose the models from that category.

Here are the major types under which the models are categorized based on their behavior.


What does it do



Predicts categorical variables for a given dataset.

Decision trees,

logistic regression,

neural networks.


Predicts a continuous value for a given input.

Polynomial regression,

vector regression,

linear regression.


Uses unsupervised learning algorithms to group similar data points.

Hierarchical clustering,



Dimensions reduction

Reduces the number of features in a dataset.

Linear discriminant analysis,


principal component analysis


Generates new data that is comparable to the training dataset.

Autoregressive models,

generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders.

Features to consider

Selecting a suitable model is the most crucial step in machine learning because it influences the observations and the results obtained. Let's discuss a few important features when selecting a model.


Determine the complexity of the problem that is to be solved. There might be some cases where simple models are sufficient enough to solve the issues, but at times there is a necessity to use complex models. Hence, the size of the dataset, the complexity of the inputs, and potential connections should be kept under consideration when selecting the model.

Data availability

Analyze the existing data accessibility and quality. If the dataset is limited, it is preferred to use simpler models with limited parameters than a complicated model with many parameters to avoid overfitting. It is essential to consider the missing data, outliers, noise, and models' responses to the difficulties before selecting the model.


Analyze the model's capacity to determine whether it fits well on the fresh and untested data. We can incorporate penalty terms into the model's objective function and implement approaches such as L1 or L2 regularization to overcome the overfitting issues. The regularised models potentially perform better on sparse training data.

Domain Expertise

Consider your expertise and domain knowledge. On the basis of previous knowledge of the data or particular features of the domain, consider if particular models are appropriate for the task. Models that are more likely to capture important patterns can be found by using domain expertise to direct the selection process.

Resource constraints

Take into account any resource limitations you may have, such as constrained memory space, processing speed, or time. Make that the chosen model can be successfully implemented using the resources at hand. Some models require significant resources during training or inference.


If you're working with massive datasets or real-time applications, take the model's scalability and computing efficiency into consideration. Deep neural networks and support vector machines are two examples of models that could need a lot of time and computing power to train.


Consider whether the model's interpretability is crucial in your particular setting. Some models, like decision trees or linear regression, offer interpretability by giving precise insights into the correlations between the input data and the desired outcome. Complex models, such as neural networks, may perform better but offer less interpretability.

Steps for model selection

When finding the best suitable model, we identify the dataset and define the aim and purpose of acquiring a machine learning model. Once it is done, we follow a simple chronological order to reach the best option among all the available models.

Standard model selection steps.
Standard model selection steps.

  • Formulate problem: Precisely define the problem to be catered to, predictions to be made, and the expected task it should perform.

  • Choose potential models: Choose models that are appropriate for the requirements. The chosen models can be simple, like decision trees and linear regression, or complex, like deep neural networks and random forests.

  • Do hyperparameterSet manually before the learning process begins. Not learned directly from the dataset. tuning: Find the best combination of hyperparameters for the model, like learning rate and regularisation strength, to achieve optimal performance. They help to avoid overfitting and overfitting and underfitting.

  • Train and evaluate each model: Train each model using a subset of the original dataset, and measure its performance using the other subset that is not trained to evaluate its effectiveness.

  • Compare the performance and accuracy: Compare the performance of the chosen models based on different metrics, including the F1-score, mean squared error, accuracy, precision, and recall. Also, consider factors like data handling capabilities, interpretability, and computational difficulty.

  • Finalize the best-suited model: Based on the observation and comparison results, select the model that performs the best. The finalized model can be used on the fresh dataset to perform the required tasks and make predictions.

Different model selection techniques are used during this process to ensure that the selection process is efficient and accurate.


Model selection is a crucial phase in the development of precise predictive models in machine learning. We need to choose the type of model we want to work with and then consider the important feature aspects to further select one. Selecting the correct model is important to get the desired outcome.

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Analyze the model’s capacity to determine whether it fits the fresh and untested data well.

Data availability

Analyze the existing data accessibility and quality.

Resource constraints

Take into account any resource limitations you may have.


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