Panorama Formation using OpenCV

Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) is an open-sourceA software or a library whose code is made available to the public. computer vision and machine learning software library which provides a wide range of functions and algorithms to process and analyze images and videos.

Note: You can learn more about OpenCV.


If we have two images that share similar features, stitching them from the overlapping region to make a panoramic view is possible. We can achieve this panoramic view using cv2 library in python. The provided code combines the images below:

First input image (named as image1.jpg in the code)

Second input image (named as image2.jpg in the code)

The provided code stitches above two images and displays the resultant panorama as follows:

Stitched panoramic view of both images
Stitched panoramic view of both images
import numpy as np
import cv2
#Fnuction to resize the image to either (a x 720) or (720 x a)
def resizing(img):
        target = img.shape[1]
        w = 720
        h = int(img.shape[0]/target*720)
        target = img.shape[0]
        h = 720
        w = int(w/target*720)
    img = cv2.resize(img,(w,h))
    return img

def image_stitching_function(img1,img2):
    #GrayScalling and resizing:-
    img1_greyScaled = resizing(cv2.cvtColor(img1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) #Greyscalling image
    img2_greyScaled = resizing(cv2.cvtColor(img2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) #Greyscalling image

    norm = np.zeros((800,800))
    img1_greyScaled_normalized = cv2.normalize(img1_greyScaled,norm,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX)    #Normalizing image
    img2_greyScaled_normalized = cv2.normalize(img2_greyScaled,norm,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX)    #Normalizing image

    #Applying SIFT descriptors:-
    SIFT_img1_greyScaled_normalized = cv2.SIFT_create()
    SIFT_img2_greyScaled_normalized = cv2.SIFT_create()

    #Detecting features:-
    (kps1, features1) = SIFT_img1_greyScaled_normalized.detectAndCompute(img1_greyScaled_normalized, None)
    kps2 = np.float32([ for kp in kps1]) #Making it numpy array of the key poitns
    (kps2, features2) = SIFT_img2_greyScaled_normalized.detectAndCompute(img2_greyScaled_normalized, None)
    kps2 = np.float32([ for kp in kps2]) #Making it numpy array of the key poitns

    #Matching keypoints
    matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create("BruteForce")
    rawMatches = matcher.knnMatch(features1,features2,2)  #k nearest neighbour key points
    matches = list()    #lists of matches
    M = None    #Tupple of (matches_list, homography_Matrix, Status)
    H = None
    for m in rawMatches:
        if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * 0.3:
            matches.append((m[0].trainIdx,m[0].queryIdx))   #stroing nearest neighbours from overlapped region of the images
    if len(matches) > 4:    #We need atleast four points to get the Homography matrix
        # construct the two sets of points
        ptsA = np.float32([kps20[i] for (_, i) in matches])
        ptsB = np.float32([kps21[i] for (i, _) in matches])
        # compute the homography between the two sets of points
        (H, status) = cv2.findHomography(ptsB, ptsA, cv2.RANSAC,None)
        print("Homography matrix:",H)
        # return the matches, homograpy matrix and status of each matched point as a tuple of three in M.
        M = (matches, H, status)
    #Aplying Warping:-
    result = cv2.warpPerspective(img2_greyScaled_normalized,H,(img2_greyScaled_normalized.shape[1]+img1_greyScaled_normalized.shape[1], img2_greyScaled_normalized.shape[0]+40))
    #putting the source image over the destination image:-
    result[0:img1_greyScaled_normalized.shape[0],0:img1_greyScaled_normalized.shape[1]] = img1_greyScaled_normalized
    cv2.imshow("Final Result",result)   #showing the matching result

def main():
    img1 = cv2.imread("image1.jpg")
    img2 = cv2.imread("image2.jpg")

Code explanation

  • Lines 65–69: This is the main() function receiving the images and then passing them to the image_stitching_function() function which will then stitch both images and display the results.

  • Lines 4–16: The function resizing() takes an image img as a parameter and reshapes it to either a w x 720 pixels or a 720 x h pixel image using resize() function (on line15) depending upon the image's aspect ratio. This helps the algorithm to stitch the images without getting into any anomaly.

  • Lines 20–21: The images are grayscaled using the cv2.cvtColor() function. The grayscaled images are then passed to the resizing() function for resizing. Grayscaling the images is important because it simplifies them and removes the influence of varying lighting conditions. Additionally, it facilitates easier feature detection.

  • Lines 24–26: Grayscaled images are being normalized using normalize() method of cv2 to a range of 0 to 255. By normalizing the images, pixel values get scaled to a desired range making it easier to compare them.

  • Lines 29–30: The code applies cv2's built-in SIFT detector to the normalized images to detect their invariant local features, regardless of their rotation, scale and lighting conditions.

  • Lines 33–36: The detecting features are now getting stored in the variables feature20 and feature21, and the key points where the invariant features have been detected are getting stored in kps20 and kps21 for both images, respectively.

  • Lines 39–40: The cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create() method from the cv2 library creates a matcher object that performs a "Brute Force" feature mapping. This mapping is stored in the matcher variable. Once the matcher is created, it applies the k-nearest neighbors (knn) algorithm using the knnMatch() method.

  • Lines 41–55: All the matches are stored as numpy array in matches. If the number of matches exceeds 4, the code calculates the homography matrix H. It selects the matched key points from both images (ptsA and ptsB) and uses findHomography() method of cv2 library with the RANSAC methodIt stands for Random Sample Consensus. It is a robust estimation algorithm to estimate the parameters of a mathematical model that best fits a given set of data points. to estimate the homography matrix. The status of each matched point is also obtained in M.

  • Lines 58–62: After obtaining the homography matrix, it is applied to the images using the warpPerspective() method from the cv2 library. This process aligns the images based on the estimated transformation. Once the images are stitched together, the code displays the resulting stitched image. The code waits for the viewer (using waitKey() method) to press any key to stop displaying the image.

Note: Learn how to do dilation of an image using OpenCV.

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