Both Java and Scala are statically typed programming languages. Sun Microsystems developed Java, and Martin Odersky developed Scala.
Let’s go over the main differences between the two languages.
Incorporates functional and object-oriented programming.
Not compatible with its previous versions.
Code written in Scala is generally more compact than the same code written in Java.
Supports delaying the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed, i.e., lazy evaluation.
Supports operator overloading.
Takes more time to compile code than Java.
Treats a function like a variable.
Incorporates object-oriented programming, and has started to support very limited functional programming in recent versions.
Compatible with its previous versions.
Code written in Java is generally less compact.
Does not support lazy evaluation.
Does not support operator overloading.
Code compilation takes less time that it does in Scala.
Treats a function like an object.
The following code snippets highlight the syntactic differences between Scala and Java:
class Greeting {def Greet() {println("Hello from Educative!");}}object Main extends App {var obj = new Greeting();obj.Greet();}
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