The 8 queen problem is a classic, well-known problem in artificial intelligence and
The goal is to place eight queens on an 8x8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten or attack each other. To prevent the queens from attacking one another, no two queens should be in the same row, column, or diagonal.
One approach to solving this problem is using a genetic algorithm (GA). A genetic algorithm is an informed search heuristic greatly inspired by the biological principles of natural selection and genetics.
It iteratively enhances a population of potential solutions by simulating the natural evolution process, which includes mutation, crossover, and selection. The process continues until a satisfactory solution or the maximum number of generations is reached.
Initialization: Create a randomized population of potential solutions (board states). These arrays represent the queen's positions on the chessboard. The index represents the column, and the row represents the value.
Fitness evaluation: Calculate each potential solution's fitness. The number of non-attacking pairs in the 8-Queens puzzle determines its fitness function.
The fitness is calculated by adding the number of non-attacking pairs for each queen. For instance, for board A, the queen positions are [3, 2, 7, 5, 2, 4, 1, 1]
, the queen at index 1, value 3 has 6 non-attacking pairs, the queen at index 2, value 2 has 5 non-attacking pairs, the queen at index 3, value 7 has 4 non-attacking pairs and it goes on for the remaining queens till the 8th index. The number of non-attacking pairs for each queen in the board is added and fitness is evaluated.
Selection: Select parents from the current population to create the next generation. Standard selection methods include:
Tournament selection
Roulette wheel selection
Rank-based selection
Crossover: Perform crossover between pairs of parents to create new offspring. Crossover involves exchanging genetic information to create a child solution.
Note: In case of the 8 queen problem, typically ais employed. single-point crossover A random crossover point is selected, and the parts beyond that point are exchanged between parents.
Before crossover:
The third element of the array is set as the crossover point. It means all the elements highlighted in blue will remain the same whereas the grey color of both arrays, A and B will exchange the rest of the elements with one another to produce diverse offspring.
After crossover:
Mutation: Bring minor changes or mutations to the existing offspring solutions to maintain diversity and explore the search space. However, in this problem, mutation can involve swapping two positions in a board state.
Replacement: Replace the current population with the new generation of offspring solutions.
Termination: Repeat steps 2 to 6 until a termination condition is met, such as finding a satisfactory solution or reaching a maximum number of generations.
Let’s look at an example with a population size of 50, a mutation rate of 0.1, and a maximum of 100 generations. The initial population is randomly generated, and fitness is evaluated for each candidate solution. Selection is performed using tournament selection, and crossover involves single-point crossover. Mutation randomly swaps two positions in a board state.
Here is a Python implementation of the genetic algorithm-based 8 queen problem:
import random# Genetic Algorithm parametersPOPULATION_SIZE = 50MUTATION_RATE = 0.1MAX_GENERATIONS = 100# Generate a random board statedef generate_board_state():board_state = [random.randint(0, 7) for _ in range(8)]return board_state# Calculate the fitness of a board statedef calculate_fitness(board_state):conflicts = 0for i in range(8):for j in range(i + 1, 8):if board_state[i] == board_state[j] or abs(board_state[i] - board_state[j]) == j - i:conflicts += 1return 28 - conflicts # Max fitness = 28 (no conflicts)# Select parents for crossover using tournament selectiondef tournament_selection(population):tournament_size = 5tournament = random.sample(population, tournament_size)return max(tournament, key=lambda x: x[1])# Crossover operation (single-point crossover)def crossover(parent1, parent2):crossover_point = random.randint(1, 7)child = parent1[:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]return child# Mutation operation (swap two positions)def mutate(board_state):pos1, pos2 = random.sample(range(8), 2)board_state[pos1], board_state[pos2] = board_state[pos2], board_state[pos1]return board_state# Generate the initial populationpopulation = [(generate_board_state(), 0) for _ in range(POPULATION_SIZE)]# Main Genetic Algorithm loopfor generation in range(MAX_GENERATIONS):# Calculate fitness for each board statepopulation = [(board_state, calculate_fitness(board_state)) for board_state, _ in population]# Check if solution is foundbest_board_state = max(population, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]if calculate_fitness(best_board_state) == 28:print("Solution found in generation", generation)break# Create the next generationnew_population = []# Elitism: Keep the best board state from the previous generationnew_population.append(max(population, key=lambda x: x[1]))# Perform selection, crossover, and mutationwhile len(new_population) < POPULATION_SIZE:parent1 = tournament_selection(population)parent2 = tournament_selection(population)child = crossover(parent1[0], parent2[0])if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE:child = mutate(child)new_population.append((child, 0))# Update the populationpopulation = new_population# Print the best solutionprint("Best solution:", best_board_state)
The output of the above code prints the board state configuration of the best solution found. It is in the form of a list representing the positions of the queens on the chessboard. Each value in the list corresponds to a column, representing the row position of the queen in that column.
For example, if the output is [1, 4, 7, 0, 6, 3, 5, 0]
, it means that the queens are placed on the chessboard as follows:
Let's use another selection technique which is the roulette wheel for solving the 8-queen problem using a genetic algorithm:
# Select parents for crossover using roulette wheel selection selectiondef roulette_wheel_selection(population):# Calculate total fitness sum of the populationtotal_fitness = sum(individual[1] for individual in population)# Generate a random number between 0 and the total fitness sumspin = random.uniform(0, total_fitness)# Iterate through the population and sum fitness values until the spin value is reachedfitness_sum = 0for individual in population:fitness_sum += individual[1]if fitness_sum >= spin:return individual
Therefore, genetic algorithms (GAs) are a practical tool in artificial intelligence because of their adaptability and versatility, allowing for exploring and optimizing solutions in various domains. Implementing a genetic algorithm for solving the 8 queen problem exhibits the efficiency of evolutionary computation methods, highlighting the ability to provide optimized solutions to complex problems.
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