The Spiral Matrix problem takes a 2-Dimensional array of N-rows and M-columns as an input, and prints the elements of this matrix in spiral order.
The spiral begins at the top left corner of the input matrix, and prints the elements it encounters, while looping towards the center of this matrix, in a clockwise manner.
This continues until the left index is greater than the right index, and the top index is greater than the bottom index.
The following code implements the spiral matrix algorithm in C++, Python, and Java:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;// Change values of M and N to change the// dimensions of the input matrix.#define N 4#define M 4void spiralMatrixPrint(int rows, int cols, int arr[N][M]) {// Defining the boundaries of the top = 0, bottom = rows - 1, left = 0, right = cols - 1;// Defining the direction in which the array is to be dir = 1;while (top <= bottom && left <= right) {if (dir == 1) { // moving left->rightfor (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {cout<<arr[top][i] << " ";}// Since we have traversed the whole first// row, move down to the next row.++top;dir = 2;}else if (dir == 2) { // moving top->bottomfor (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) {cout<<arr[i][right] << " ";}// Since we have traversed the whole last// column, move left to the previous column.--right;dir = 3;}else if (dir == 3) { // moving right->leftfor (int i = right; i >= left; --i) {cout<<arr[bottom][i] << " ";}// Since we have traversed the whole last// row, move up to the previous row.--bottom;dir = 4;}else if (dir == 4) { // moving bottom->upfor (int i = bottom; i >= top; --i) {cout<< arr[i][left] << " ";}// Since we have traversed the whole first// col, move right to the next column.++left;dir = 1;}}}int main() {// Driver codeint mat[N][M] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 },{ 12, 13, 14, 5 },{ 11, 16, 15, 6 },{ 10, 9, 8, 7 } };spiralMatrixPrint(N, M, mat);return 0;}
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