In quantum computing, the state of the qubit is probabilistic. Therefore, we can't represent a quantum coin as either heads or tails. Instead, it's usually a combination of both.
A quantum statevector is a vector that shows the probability amplitudes of different basis quantum states comprising the overall state of the quantum object. For instance, if we describe the
Note: The probability amplitudes in quantum statevectors do not correspond to classical probability. Instead, they will need to be squared to obtain classical probabilities. For instance, in the statevector mentioned above, the probability of obtaining
is and the probability of obtaining is .
In quantum computing, the state of a single qubit can be represented using the following statevector:
The Bloch sphere is a geometric representation of the state of the qubit. Named after the Nobel-winning physicist Felix Bloch, the Bloch sphere allows the qubit to be depicted as a point on the sphere.
A qubit is represented in the Bloch sphere by using the following formula:
Diagrammatically, a qubit is represented on the Bloch sphere like this:
Therefore, by varying the values of
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