What are comments in Dart programming?

Comments are a set of statements that make source code more readable. Comments typically provide information or explanations regarding a variable, method, class, or any other statement in the source code. During the program’s execution, comment statements are ignored.

In general, comments provide a quick overview of what is going on in the code.

Dart programming supports three kinds of comments:

  1. Single-line comments
  2. Multi-line comments
  3. Documentation comments

Single-line comments

A single-line comment extends up to the newline character and is specified with a double forward slash (//). A single-line comment can be used until a line break is reached.


The syntax for a single-line comment is as follows.

// A single comment line


The example below shows how you can use single-line comments in your code.

void main(){
// Example of a single-line comment
// Prints the given statement on screen
print("This is a shot on Dart Comments");

Multi-line comments

Multi-line comments can be used when you need to apply comments to multiple lines.


The syntax for a multi-line comment is as follows.

This is a 

The compiler disregards everything between /* and */. However, a multi-line comment cannot be nested within other multi-line comments.


The example below shows how you can use multi-line comments in your code.

void main(){
/* An example of a multi-line comment
Prints the given statement on screen */
print("This is a shot on Dart Comments");

Documentation comments

Documentation comments are a special form of comments that are mostly used to create documentation or a reference for a project or software package.

A documentation comment can be a single-line or multi-line comment that contains the /// or /* characters at the beginning. You can use /// on successive lines, which is the same as the multi-line comment. Except for lines written inside the curly brackets, the Dart compiler ignores these lines.


The syntax for a documentation comment is as follows

///an example of  
/// a documentation comment 


The example below shows how you can use documentation comments in your code.

void main(){
/// This
/// is
/// an example of
/// a documentation comment
/// Prints the given statement on screen
print("This is a shot on Dart Comments");