What are data allocation and garbage collection in C++ and C#?

Data allocation in C++ and C#

In C++ and C#, memory is allocated at run-time, known as dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic memory allocation is done through the new operator.

Garbage collection in C++ and C#

In C++, dynamically allocated memory has to be de-allocated manually by the code author through the delete operator. Otherwise, issues like memory leakageMemory that is no more in use by the program is not de-allocated and still reserves a space. and dangling pointerPointer pointing to a de-allocated memory. occurs. The code author decides explicitly which memory isn’t used by the program and needs to be de-allocated. But in C#, memory de-allocation is done automatically through its automatic memory management method known as garbage collection. The periodic run of the garbage collector automatically de-allocates the memory that is not being used in the program.



Manual memory de-allocation is through the delete operator.

Automatic memory de-allocation is through a garbage collector.

The code author explicitly decides which memory is to be de-allocated.

The garbage collector automatically de-allocates the memory not being used in the program.

The code author has complete control of the de-allocation of dynamically allocated memory.

The code author has no responsibility for the de-allocation of memory; the garbage collector runs periodically.

Destructor is called against the delete operator.

There is no need to implement the destructor explicitly.

Issues like memory leakage and a dangling pointer can occur due to manual memory management.

There is no need to take care of memory leakage and dangling pointer issues due to garbage collection.

The code author knows when the memory was de-allocated, and the destructor was called against the delete operator.

The code author does not know when the memory was de-allocated, and the destructor was called.

There is no time taken for the periodic run of the garbage collector, so it is fast in performance.

The periodic run of the garbage collector takes time to find the memory that is no more in use and needs to be de-allocated.

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