What are data frames in R?

Key takeaways:

  • Data frames are essential data structures in R, designed for storing and manipulating tabular data with diverse data types in columns.

  • Each column in a data frame can contain numeric, character, logical, or date values, but the data type should be consistent.

  • The column names of a data frame should be non-empty, and row names must be unique to enhance data clarity and usability.

  • Data frames can be created by importing data from external files or by defining custom data directly within R using the data.frame() function.

  • Converting data frames to matrices automatically encodes character and factor columns into numeric formats, which aids in data processing.

  • R provides several built-in functions, like nrow(), head(), and str() to facilitate easy access and analysis of data frames.

  • Understanding how to effectively use data frames can significantly improve data handling and statistical analysis capabilities in R.

Data frame in R

A data frame is a fundamental data structure in R, designed to store tabular data in a way that’s both flexible and powerful for data analysis. Essentially, a data frame is a special type of list where each element (or column) has the same length, creating a rectangular structure that’s ideal for storing datasets. Data frames are particularly useful in R because they allow for different data types, like numeric, character, or factor, in each column, making them versatile for handling real-world data. Data frames are the standard data structure for storing tabular data and are widely used for statistics.

In addition to data frames, the following table outlines R’s one-dimensional and two-dimensional data structures and their compatibility with different data types.





Atomic Vector




Data frame

Characteristics of data frames

Here are some important characteristics to understand when working with data frames, which help ensure data consistency and make analysis easier:

  • It is recommended that column names should not be empty for easier reference.

  • Row names should ideally be unique to avoid confusion, though duplicates are allowed.

  • Each column can store numeric, factor, character, logical, Date, or POSIXct data types, but the data types should be consistent within the column.

  • Each column must contain the same number of data items (i.e., rows).

Creating data frames in R

You can create and manipulate R language data frames in a variety of ways using the R functions.

1. Create data frames by importing data

You can use the read.csv() or read.table() function to import data as data frame in R. Here is an example to demonstrate the same:

# Importing data from a CSV file into a data frame
cat('Creating data frame from a CSV file \n')
data_frame_csv <- read.csv("example.csv")
# Importing data from a text file into a data frame
cat('Creating data frame from a text file \n')
data_frame_table <- read.table("example.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") # Change 'sep' as needed

2. Create a new data frame

You can create a data frame with your custom data using the built-in data.frame() function of R:

# Creating a new data frame
new_data_frame <- data.frame(
Name = c("Alex", "Brandon", "Calvin"),
Age = c(20, 34, 30),
Gender = c("F", "M", "M")

3. Convert a data frame to a matrix

Assuming you have a data frame, you can convert it to a matrix using data.matrix() or as.matrix():

# Converting a data frame to a matrix
matrix_data <- data.matrix(data_frame_csv)
# Alternatively, using as.matrix()
matrix_data_alt <- as.matrix(data_frame_csv)

Notice here how converting a data frame to a matrix in R with data.matrix() or as.matrix() does result in an automatic encoding of character or factor columns, effectively performing a form of label encoding.

Built-in methods of R data frames with examples

Here are some useful built-in methods related to data frames in R that help to easily process data frames:

  • nrow(): Denotes the number of rows

  • ncol(): Denotes the number of columns

  • head(): Denotes the first 6 rows

  • tail(): Denotes the last 6 rows

  • dim(): Gives the dimensions of the data frame, such as the number of rows and columns

  • rownames(): Allows you to label each row with unique IDs. This is helpful for keeping track of data entries, like identifying each row by a specific subject_id or sample_id.

  • names() or colnames(): Shows the names of the attributes for a data frame

  • str(): Defines the structure of the data frame as name, type, etc.

  • sapply(dataframe, class): Denotes the class of each column in the data frame

In the code example below, we initialize an R data frame with 3 columns and 5 rows. The first column represents the Index, while the other two columns represent key(s) and their respective value(s). Using this data frame, we’ll demonstrate the methods of data frames mentioned above.

# Generating data frame in R
cat('DEMO Dataframe \n')
# Demo code for basic methods
cat('No. Of Rows \n')
cat('No. Of Cols \n')
cat('First 6 rows from data Frame \n')
cat('Last 6 rows from data Frame \n')
cat('Dimentions of data frame \n')
cat('Row names of data frame \n')
rownames(data_frame) <- c("row1", "row2", "row3", "row4", "row5")
cat('Column names of data frame \n')
cat('structure of data frame \n')
cat('Show each Column dataType \n')
sapply(data_frame, class)

This code shows how you can apply different built-in functions to data frames in R and the outputs they produce.


In conclusion, data frames are a key part of working with data in R. They allow you to store and manage different types of information in a clear and organized way. By learning how to use data frames and their functions, you can easily analyze your data and make better decisions based on your findings. Understanding data frames will help you become more effective in handling data in R.

Get hands-on experience with R’s data structures via the following projects:

Frequently asked questions

Haven’t found what you were looking for? Contact Us

What are data frames in R?

Data frames in R are two-dimensional, structures that can store data of different types (numeric, character, factor) of data.

How do you create a DataFrame in R?

You can create a data frame in R using the data.frame() function, or by importing data from files using functions like read.csv() or read.table().

How do you access DataFrames in R?

You can access data frames in R using indexing (e.g., data_frame[row, column]), or by using functions like head(), tail(), and names() to view specific parts or attributes of the data frame.

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