Have you ever encountered a "404 not found" message in response to a query on the browsers? These situations occur when there is a problem with the server-side code, and it sends back a message to the client indicating the presence of the problem. Let’s dig into these HTML error messages and learn what a specific code means.
Error Code | Meaning | Description |
100 | Continue | The client should continue sending the request to the server since the server has signaled to proceed with the current request. |
101 | Switching protocols | This means that server has accepted the client's request to switch to the new protocol. |
103 | Checkpoint | This is displayed when resuming any of the client's pending PUT or POST requests. |
200 | OK | The client's request is totally fine from the server's point of view. (Mission successful). |
201 | Created | The previous request is completed and a brand new resource is created for the next attempt. |
202 | Accepted | The client's request is now accepted by the server but is still in process. |
203 | Non- Authoritative Info | The server now displays the results from a third-party website. |
204 | No Content | The server has successfully processed the client's request but there is nothing present to display. |
205 | Reset the content | There is nothing present to display for our request. The server asks to reset the content. |
206 | Partial Content | Only a little bit of information is displayed. |
300 | Multiple Choices | The server sends back five choices for the user so they can choose the one final location. |
301 | Moved Permanently | The page has been moved to a new URL. |
302 | Moved Temporarily | The page has been temporarily moved to a new URL. |
303 | See Other | The page can now be found on a new URL. |
304 | Not Modified | The user requested page is not changed since they last requested for it. |
400 | Bad Request | The user's request is impossible to complete since it has a syntax issue. |
401 | Unauthorized | This is a legal request, but the user is unable to provide valid inputs for accessing the file or directory. |
403 | Forbidden | The server is denies to display the requested webpage. |
404 | Not Found | The page you are currently looking for is not found |
405 | Method not allowed | The method through which you are sending a request to access the desired page is not supported by that page. |
406 | Not Acceptable | The resultant output will be unacceptable by the client-side. |
407 | Proxy Authentication required | The client must authenticate themselves for an in-use proxy because only specific proxies can use the requested resource. |
408 | Request Time out | The server was waiting for the request but no request was received. Therefore, the "Request Time Out" message is shown. |
409 | Conflict | There is a conflict in the client-side request therefore it can't be processed. |
410 | Gone | The page requested by the client is not available. |
411 | Length Required | The server needs to know the length of the content to be displayed. Otherwise, it won't accept the request. |
412 | Precondition failed | The desired prerequisite of the request is not fulfilled or the provided one is not correct according to the server. |
413 | Request entity too large | Our request contains a data/file that exceeds the server's file size limit. |
414 | Request URL too long | The server can't interpret that long URL requested by the client in a request. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | The server denies the request due to the unsupported media type present in the request. |
416 | Requested range is not satisfiable | The client has requested a specific portion but the server can not fulfill this request. |
500 | Internal Server Error | This is a general error message, mostly due to the errors in the code we are dealing with. |
501 | Not Implemented | The server is unable to provide support for the requested method. |
502 | Bad Gateway | The server has received an invalid response from the high-end server. |
503 | Service Unavailable | The server is currently unavailable due to a lack of resources to handle the overloaded requests. Alternatively, it might be down for some other reason. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | The server is acting as a gateway and was waiting for an on-time response but hasn’t received any from the other server (Higher-end server). |
505 | HTTP version not supported | The server does not support the HTTP version used in the request. |