What are generics in C#?

Generics in C# are types that make a single class or function cater to various data type members. With generics, we can make our code much more efficient, since we only have to implement a single umbrella function or class in our program.


Generic classes are defined using the following syntax:

public class ClassName<T>{
T memberName;
//... class methods implementation

The <> tag specifies that the class is generic and caters to multiple data types. Built-in data types (int, char, string, double, and so on) as well as user-defined data types can be passed into this class as parameters.

The <T> allows different kinds of data types to be passed as parameters, as specified by the user. Also, it sets the data types of the data members defined using the T keyword according to the parameterized data type.

Generic methods have the following syntax:

functionType functionName<T> (T arg){
//function code

To make a function generic, we need to specify the function type (void, int, char, and so on). After that, we use the same <> tags to allow generic parameters into the function. Any word/character that is inside the <> tags, and is also present as a data type, is used to specify that a given parameter is generic.


The following examples help us understand generic classes better:

using System;
class HelloWorld
//Generic class
public class Object<T>{
public T member;
public Object(T data){
member = data;
//Student class
public class Student{
public string name;
public Student(){
name = "Random";
public void print(){
static void Main()
//string type data member of class Object
Object<string> example = new Object<string>("Hello world!");
//int type data member of class Object
Object<int> example2 = new Object<int>(10);
//double type data member of class Object
Object<double> example3 = new Object<double>(15.55);
//char type data member of class Object
Object<char> example4 = new Object<char>('H');
//Student type data member of class Object
Student studentExample = new Student();
Object<Student> example5 = new Object<Student>(studentExample);


  • Lines 5–10: We implement the generic class Object. It has a generic type attribute named member and a parametric constructor that initializes member with the value passed at the time of instantiation.

  • Lines 25–26: We make the Object cater to string type. The <T> tag catches the string type and sets member's value to Hello world!.

  • Lines 41–43: We create a new instance of the class Student. After that, we create a new instance of the class Object that caters to the type Student. The member attribute is initialized with the studentExample object's value (Random).

using System;
class HelloWorld
static void print<T>(T arg){
static void Main()
int x = 0;
double y = 9.99;
char z = 'H';
string m = "Hello World!";


  • Lines 5–7: We made the generic print() function to cater to multiple built-in data types. It takes in any built-in data type parameter and prints data according to it.

  • Line 10–17: We call the print function for different data types.


Generics is a crucial concept in C# that programmers can use to code efficiently and to write a template program that works for multiple data types. The above code snippets are good examples to show how generic classes and functions work in C#.

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