What are Python operators?

An operator in Python is a character that tells the compiler to perform a specific task on the quantity operand.

It can perform the following operations:

  1. Arithmetic
  2. Relational
  3. Logical
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Types of operators

  • Unary operators: Requires a single operand. These are mostly prefix.

  • Binary operator: Requires two operands. These are mostly in-fix.

Note: There are also ternary operators.

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Types of operations

1. Arithmetic operations

Arithmetic operations are widely used for mathematical calculations. These operators help in solving all types of arithmetic expressions quickly.

operator meaning example
+ It adds two operands together, or acts as a sign for a single operand. 5 + 2 = 7 or +2 (sign)
- It subtracts two operands or acts as a sign for a single operand. 5 - 2 = 3 or -2 (sign)
* It multiplies two operands. 5 * 2 = 10
/ It divides two operands. 10 / 5 = 2
% It returns a remainder after dividing two operands. 5 % 2 = 1

2. Relational (comparison) operations

These operators run a comparison between two entities and return true or false as per the condition.

3. Logical operations

These operators are used for the conditional statements and return a boolean for every expression.

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relational operator name example
== Equal 5 == 5
!= Not Equal 6 != 5
> Greater than 6 > 5
< Less than 5 < 6
logical opeartor meaning example
AND It returns true if both of the statements are true. x > 5 and y < 15
OR It returns true if either one of the statements is true. x > 5 and y < 15
NOT It reverses the result, for true it returns false not ( x > 5)


# setting default values for x and y
x = 5
y = 15
print ('x = ', x)
print ('y = ', y)
# arithmetical operation
print ('x + y = ',x + y)
print ('x - y = ',x - y)
print ('x % y = ',x % y)
# relational operation
print ('x > y is ',x > y)
print ('x < y is ',x < y)
print ('x == y is ',x == y)
# logical operation
print ('x > 5 and y < 15 is ',x > 5 and y < 15)
print ('x > 5 or y < 15 is ',x > 5 or y < 15)

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