What are template literals in JavaScript?

Template Literals

Template literals allow you to embed JavaScript expressions inside a string.

To create a template literal, use backticks (``):

`I am a template string`

A template literal has three features:

  • Multi-line string
  • Interpolationinserts an expression inside a string
  • Tagged template literalcalls a function

1. Multi-line string

Before template literals, if we wanted to create a multi-line string, we would have to write:

console.log('Line 1 \n' + 'Line 2');

However, with template literals, this can be simplified to:

let str = `Line 1
Line 2`;
// or
console.log(`Line 1
Line 2`);

In essence, template literals make multi-line strings simpler.

2. Interpolation

Interpolation allows you to insert a valid JavaScript expression inside the template literal. Before evaluating the string, all the expressions are executed.

You can include an expression like ${expression}:

let a = 10;
let b = 20;
console.log(`Result = ${a + b}`); // Result = 30

Using a conditional expression:

var a = 10;
var b = 20;
console.log(` ${a > b ? a : b} is greater`); // 20 is greater

Using function calls inside of a template literal:

function getName() {
return "JavaScript Jeep";
console.log(`Name => ${getName()}`); // Name => JavaScript Jeep

Printing ` using a template literal:

console.log(`\``); // `

Printing ${} using a template literal:

console.log(`$`); //$
console.log(`$\{}`); // ${}
console.log(`$${100}`); //$100
console.log(`$$\{}`); // $${}
// errors
//console.log(`${`); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
// you can't have an empty ${}
//console.log(`${}`); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
//console.log(`$${}`); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'

3. Tagged Templates

Tagged templates allow you to call a function:

function tagFun(string, param1) {
console.log(`String => ${string}`);
console.log(`param1 => ${param1}`);
let a = 10;
tagFun`This is a ${a} test`;
// String => This is a , test
// param1 => 10

In the function above, all the strings are passed to the string parameter and the a is passed to param1.

Here’s another example:

function tagFun(string, param1, param2) {
console.log(`string - ${string}`);
console.log(`param1 = ${param1} param2 = ${param2}`);
var a = 10, b =20;
tagFun`a => ${a} b => ${b}`;

Instead of using multiple parameters, you can use a rest parameter:

function tagFun(string, ...params){
var a = 10, b = 20, c = 100;
tagFun`testing ${a} ${b} ${c} end`
// [10, 20, 100]

Here’s another example using destructing variables:

function testFun([str1, str2], value) {
testFun`This is ${10} a test`;

We can use tagged templates to create a function that will look like a normal English sentence:

function math([x, y], operation) { 
   return operation(Number(x), Number(y));
function plus(x, y) {
   return x + y;

In the above code, we have the math function, which takes 2 arguments, one array and one function. We call this method using the tagged template:

math`1 ${plus} 2`; // x=1, y=2, operation = plus; output is 3

Upon calling the math function, 1 is destructed to x, 2 is destructed to y, and the plus function is passed as a value to the operation argument. Inside the math function, we call the operation function with x and y as arguments.

function math([x, y], operation) {
return operation(Number(x), Number(y));
function plus(x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log(math`1 ${plus} 2`);

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  1. undefined by undefined