What are the underscore methods in Backbone.js?

Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, and views with declarative event handling. It then connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.

Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides many functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects. You can learn a series of different underscore methods here. In this shot, we will see how .add, _.each, _.find, _.filter, _.pluck, etc. work.

How to use them

  1. Define the Jquery, underscore, and backbone sources that are used to define backbone objects and underscore methods. Let’s take a look at the terminal below:
<script src= 

<script src= 
<script src= 
  1. For example, let’s define a classroom of students. In the terminal below, the Backbone Model is a single entity that defines one single Student. A **Backbone Collection is a collection of models. In the current example, Classroom is a collection of the model Student:
var Student = Backbone.Model.extend();

var Classroom = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Student

  1. Let’s define name and Roll for a few students:
var s1 = new Student({
    name : "Alex Williams",
    Roll : "110"

var s2= new Student({
    name : "Jon Snow",
    Roll : "122"

var s3= new Student({
    name : "Mike Ross",
    Roll : "180"
  1. Make a new Classroom and add these students to the Classroom using the .add method:
var classroom= new Classroom();
classroom.add([s1, s2, s3]);
  1. Initialize a render method in which we can define all the relevant underscore methods that can be used:
var newclass= Backbone.View.extend({
    collection: classroom,
    initialize: function () {
  1. Define each of the underscore methods in the render function:
render: function () {
// _.each
// This method iterates through the entire list of students. 
_.each(this.collection.toJSON(),function(model){ console.log(model.name + " , " + model.Roll);
// _.find
// This method finds the first obtained Roll number greater than 100 and outputs the name.      
var sd1 = _.find(this.collection.toJSON(),function(model){
if(model.Roll > 100){
return model.name;
// _.filter
// This method finds all the Roll numbers greater than 100 and outputs their names.     
var sd2= _.filter(this.collection.toJSON(),function(model){
if(model.Roll > 100){
return model.name;
// _.pluck
// This method plucks all the "name" values from data provided and outputs them .     
var sd3 = _.pluck(this.collection.toJSON(),"name");
  1. Define this newclass class to implement the above terminology:
new newclass();

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