What are type aliases in TypeScript?


In TypeScript, type aliases are used to assign a name for any type. It doesn't create a new type. Instead, it provides a name for the type.

Create type alias

To create a type alias, we need to use the type keyword.

type gender = "male" | "female" | "nonbinary";
let male:gender = "male";
let female:gender = "female";
let nonbinary:gender = "nonbinary";
console.log(male, female, nonbinary)

In the code above, we have created a type alias with the name gender. The gender type can have one of the following values: "male", "female", or "nonbinary".

When we try to assign a value other than the configured value, we get a compilation error. The code widget below demonstrates this case:

type gender = "male" | "female" | "nonbinary";
// assigning value which is not configured will throw compilation error
let err:gender = "gen";


type alphaNumeric = string | number;
let num:alphaNumeric = 10;
let str:alphaNumeric = "ten";
type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;
let pt:Point = {x: 10, y: 20};
// obj type variable can have any one of the below value
type obj = {val: 1} | {val: 2};
// obj type variable can have any one of the below value
type func = (() => string) | (() => void);


  • Line 1: We create a type alias with the name alphaNumeric . The alphaNumeric type can have either a string or a numeric value.
  • Lines 6–9: We create a type alias with the name Point. The Point type is an object that has two numeric properties, x and y .
  • Line 14: We create a type alias with the name obj. The value of the obj type should either be {val: 1} or {val: 2} . Similarly, we create a type for func in line 17.

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