What does the virtual keyword do?

Virtual keyword

In C++, the virtual keyword is used to create a virtual function.

Virtual function

A virtual function is the member function of the class. This function is declared in the parent class and overridden by the child class. This is true when a pointer from a parent class points to a child class object.

Importance of a virtual function

  • Irrespective of the nature of the reference (or the pointer) that is used for a function call, virtual functions make sure that the right function is called for an object.
  • Runtime polymorphism is achieved by the virtual function.


virtual returntype functionName(/*No of parameters*/)
  // body of function

Code example

using namespace std;
class parent {
virtual void virtualDisplayMessage()
cout << "Parnent class function virtual function."<<endl;
void simpleDisplayMessage()
cout << "Parent class simple function."<<endl;
class child : public parent {
void virtualDisplayMessage()
cout << "Child class override virtual function. "<<endl;
void simpleDisplayMessage()
cout << "Child class simple function. "<<endl;
int main()
// declare class object
parent *parentClassPointer; // make parent class pointer
child childClassObject; // make dreived class object
parentClassPointer = &childClassObject;// assign derived class object
// calling class fucntions
parentClassPointer->virtualDisplayMessage(); // Runtime polymorphism is acheieved using virtual function
parentClassPointer->simpleDisplayMessage(); // Non virtual function,
return 0;

Code explanation

  • Line 4: We create the class name parent.
  • Line 6: We implement a public virtual function called virtualDisplayMessage.
  • Line 11: We implement a non-virtual function called simpleDisplayMessage.
  • Line 17: We create the class name child and inherit it with the parent class.
  • Line 19: We override the virtual function virtualDisplayMessage.
  • Line 24: We implement a non-virtual function called simpleDisplayMessage.

Note: We don’t need the virtual keyword in the child class when we have a virtual function in the parent class that is being overridden in the child class. Functions are considered virtual functions in the child class.

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