A CSS unit is the standard of measurement used in CSS to express the size of a specific element’s property.
Absolute length units are fixed standards of measurement.
The size of things expressed in absolute units will never change, regardless of the medium used to display them. As such, they work best with print outputs.
Typical examples are
Relative length units are dynamic standards of measurement.
The sizes of things expressed in relative units will always be dependent on another length. As such, they work best with rendering mediums, such as computer screens.
Typical examples are
The difference between the em
unit and the rem
unit is that em
scales an item relative to the element’s parent’s font size.
However, rem
scales an item relative to the root element’s font size.
In the snippet below, <div>
’s width is set to 10em
. As such, the em
unit scaled the <div>
's width to 400px
multiplied by <div>
’s parent element (<body>
However, in the snippet below, <div>
’s width is set to 10rem
. Therefore, the rem
unit scaled the <div>
’s width to 200px
multiplied by <html>
The difference between em
and the percentage unit is that em
scales an item by multiplying the element’s parent’s font size by a number.
However, %
scales an item by multiplying the element’s parent’s size by a percentage.
In the snippet below, <div>
’s width is set to 20em
. As such, the em
unit scaled the <div>
’s width to 600px
multiplied by <div>
’s parent (<main>
However, in the snippet below, <div>
’s width is set to 20%
. Therefore, the percentage unit scaled the <div>
’s width to 80px
multiplied by <div>
’s parent (<main>
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