A feasible path is a path that is executable if a valid combination of inputs causes the program to take that path.
White-box testing can be used to analyze feasible paths. White-box testing uses internal code to generate test cases to fulfill one or more of the following:
An infeasible path in software testing is a path that is impossible to achieve with any set of inputs.
The following lines of code present examples of the feasible and infeasible paths.
However, the path A, B, C, E, F, G cannot be executed under any circumstances because F cannot execute if C executes. The path A, B, C, E, F, G is infeasible.
A: marks(input)
B: if marks < 50
C: then b = 2
D: else c = 3
E: if marks > 90
F: then d = 4
G: End
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