What is a Flutter container?

In Flutter, the UI is built entirely out of different widgets nested inside each other. A Flutter container is a widget/class used to apply styling effects to a widget. It serves as a container that can house a widget in it. It is equivalent to HTML's <div> tag or React's <View> component. The styling is applied to the child widget and not the parent widget.

Basic elements

A simple container widget has the following elements:

  1. Margin: The space separates the container from other elements and its parent widget.

  2. Border: The border around the parent widget can be in different shapes. We can also set its color and thickness.

  3. Padding: It is the space that separates the border from the child of the container.

  4. Child: It is the widget that is stored inside the container.

These are all demonstrated in the illustration below:


The constructor of the container class has the following syntax:

Key key,
Color color,
double width,
double height,
Widget child,
AlignmentGeometry alignment,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin,
Decoration decoration,
Decoration foregroundDecoration,
BoxConstraints constraints,
Matrix4 transform,
Clip clipBehavior: Clip.none,

All the above-mentioned parameters are optional and named parameters.


All the properties of the container class are listed in the constructor syntax above. Their details are:

  1. Color: It is used to set the color of the entire container.

// this will set the color of the container to red
color: Colors.red,
  1. Width/height: These are used to set the width/height of the container.

// this will set the width to 100px and the height to 50px
width: 100,
height: 50,
  1. Child: It is used to provide a child widget to the container that it will store. For example, a Text child widget can be enclosed in a container as:

child: Text("Hello world"),
  1. Alignment: It is used to adjust the position of the child within the container. Its value can be either center, bottom, bottomCenter, topLeft, centerRight, left, right, and more. Its syntax would be:

alignment: const topLeft,
  1. Padding: It is used to set the distance between the border and the child of the container.

// this will add 20px padding on all sides
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
  1. Margin: It is used to set the distance between the container's border and outer elements.

// this will add 20px margin on all sides
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
  1. Decoration/forgroundDecoration: It is used to add decoration to the container widget. The decoration function paints the widget behind the child while forgroundDecoration paints the widget in front of a child. We can control different parameters such as shadow, color, gradient, and more.

// this will add add a red-colored border of width 4 on the background
// of the child
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(color: Colors.red, width: 4)
  1. Constraints: It can be used to provide additional constraints to the child widget such as setting a minimum height.

// this will expand the child's width by 70px
constraints: BoxConstraints.expand(width: 70)
  1. Transform: It can be used to rotate the container in any direction.

// this will rotate the container along the x-axis
transform: Matrix4.rotationX(0.5)
  1. clipBehaviour: This attribute is used to clip the contents. The default value is Clip.none. It can also be used in a way that clips the content in half from one side or from the top.

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