What is abort_handler_s in C?

We use the abort_handler_s function to write an error message on the defined format on the standard error stream stderr. We use this as a parameter of the function set_constraint_handler_s.

It outputs it to stderr, which is displayed on the terminal. After output to stdout, abort_handler_s calls the abort function.




void abort_handler_s
  const char * restrict message,
  void * restrict temp,
  errno_t error


message - A pointer to the message which describes the error.

temp - A pointer to the data given.

error - Error code.

Return value

This function has no return value.


#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
char* ptr = NULL;
gets_s(ptr, 9);
return 0;

In this piece of code, we initialize a pointer to an array and store NULL in it.

Then, we call the set_constraint_handler_s function and pass the abort_handler_s as a parameter.

Next, we call the gets_s function.

The benefit of using gets_s function is that no matter how many characters the user inputs, only the first 9 characters are stored in the ptr.

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