What is Array.get method in Ocaml?


With the get method of an array, we can get an element just by specifying its length. This method allows us to find any element present in an array.


Array.get arr n
Syntax for Array.get method in Ocaml


arr: The array whose element we want to get.

n: The index position of the element or value we want to find or access.

Return value

The value returned is an element of the array. If the number n specified is out of the range of the length of the array then an Invalid_argument exception is thrown.


(*create some arrays*)
let evenNumbers = [| 2; 4; 6; 8; 10;|];;
let letters = [|'a'; 'm'; 'e'; 'y'|];;
let fruits = [|"banana"; "paw paw"; "apple";|];;
(*get their lengths*)
print_int(Array.get evenNumbers 3);;
print_char(Array.get letters 0);; (* first element*)
print_string(Array.get fruits 1);;


  • Lines 2–4: We create some arrays.
  • Lines 7–12: We get some array values using the Array.get method and print the results to the console.

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