The binascii
is a widely used Python library for ASCII-encoded binary representations. It contains several methods to convert to binary from ASCII or hex, and vice versa. Most methods are not used directly, but wrapper modules such as uu
, base64
, or binhex
are commonly used.
is one of the many wrapper modules in the binascii
library. It is used to convert data (in binary) to a line of ASCII characters. This means the ASCII characters are returned as a single line with a “\n” character at the end to indicate to new line character.
binascii.b2a_uu(data, *, backtick=False)
: The data that needs to be converted. The length of returned line should be 45 at most.
: This is used if a user wishes to replace the zeros with a ‘`’.
import binasciitext = "HeLLo WorLd"text = bytes(text , 'utf-8')data = binascii.b2a_uu(text)text = binascii.a2b_uu(data)print(str(text), "<=>", str(data))
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