What is bisect.bisect_left() in Python?

In this Answer, we will learn about the bisect_left() method in Python. Let’s start by looking at when we need this method.

We may want to insert an element in a sorted list, but we may still want to maintain the sort order after insertion. If we do this operation over a long list, this will become a costly operation. In this situation, we can use the bisect module, which ensures that the list is automatically put in a sorted order.

The bisect_left() method is provided by the bisect module, which returns the left-most index to insert the given element, while maintaining the sorted order.


The syntax of the bisect_left() function is given below:

import bisect

bisect.bisect_left(list, element, lo=0, hi=len(list), key=None)
  1. list: This contains a list of sorted integers.
  2. element: This provides an element that needs to be inserted into the sorted list.
  3. lo (Optional): Default is 0. It defines the starting position within the list for the search.
  4. hi (Optional): Default is len(list). It defines the ending position within the list for the search.
  5. key (Optional): If the key parameter is None, the elements are compared directly without invoking any key function.

Code examples

Let’s look at an example to better understand this.

#import the module
import bisect
#given sorted list of numbers
nums = [1,3,5,7,10,25,49,55]
#given element to be inserted into the list
ele = 26
#get index where to insert the element
idx = bisect.bisect_left(nums, ele)
#print the index
print(f"Insert element {ele} at index {idx} in nums list to maintain sorted order.")

Code explanation

In the code snippet above:

  • On line 2, we import the bisect module, which contains methods like bisect_left, bisect_right, and so on.
  • On line 5, we declare and initialize the list nums in a sorted order.
  • On line 8, we are given an element ele to be inserted in the list nums.
  • On line 11, we pass list and element as parameters to the bisect_left() method, which returns an index.
  • On line 14, we print the returned index.

Let's see another code example for the bisect_left() method with hi and lo parameters.

#import the module
import bisect
#given sorted list of numbers
nums = [1,3,5,7,10,25,49,55]
#given element to be inserted into the list
ele = 26
#get index where to insert the element
idx = bisect.bisect_left(nums, ele, lo=4, hi=len(nums))
#print the index
print(f"Insert element {ele} at index {idx} in nums list to maintain sorted order.")
  • On line 11, the bisect_left() function is used to find where the element ele can be inserted into the sorted list nums, starting the search from index 4 (inclusive) and going up to the end of the list. The result is stored in the variable idx.

Let's explore another code example utilizing the bisect_left() method with the key parameter for advanced list manipulation.

import bisect
# List of tuples representing letters and corresponding integers
letters = [(1, "a"), (3, "b"), (5, "c"), (7, "d"), (10, "e"), (25, "f"), (49, "g"), (55, "h")]
# Extract the first element of each tuple (the integer)
lambdafun = lambda x: x[0]
# Search for the index where the value 6 should be inserted
idx = bisect.bisect(letters, 6, key=lambdafun)
print(f"Insert element 6 at index {idx} in letters list to maintain sorted order.")

On line 7, the lambda is an anonymous function that takes one argument x and returns the first element (x[0]) of x. For example, in our case, if x is a tuple like (1, "a"), then x[0] would extract 1. This lambda function allows us to access the first element of each tuple when performing sorting on tuple elements.

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