What is Cloud security?

What is Cloud security?

The use of cloud computing has greatly increased in the past decade. The main focus of cloud computing is to deliver different services and resources like storage, servers, databases, networking, and software through the internet. Cloud computing enables these resources to be saved on a remote database. It has become a popular option among many businesses as it saves money and increases efficiency.

As a user, you might be under the impression that data is safer in your own local server than it is in the cloud. You may be thinking that since everyone has access to the cloud, it is more vulnerable to data theft and breaches in integrity. However, this is not the case. In fact, data stored on a cloud may be more secure as service providers use advanced security measures designed by security experts. Data on a local server, on the other hand, may be more prone to attacks.

Why is it required?

Due to this advent in cloud computing, the cloud now saves sensitive information like login data, passwords, credit card numbers, health data, etc. This makes cloud security a fundamental necessity for cloud service providers as they must satisfy their customers and follow certain regulatory requirements for storing sensitive data in a safe environment.

Some key threats to cloud security data are:

  • breaches
  • data loss
  • account hijacking
  • service traffic hijacking
  • insecure application program interfaces (APIs)
  • poor choice of cloud storage providers
  • shared technology that could compromise cloud security

Another important aspect is the Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which are another threat to cloud security. These attacks shut down a service by overwhelming it with data so that users cannot access their accounts (e.g., bank accounts or email accounts).

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The security of the cloud is way more significant than the security of data in the cloud. There are many issues, such as incomplete or corrupted data, that are caused by carelessness with login credentials. Moreover, cloud-hosted countries may face different rules and regulations according to each country’s privacy measures. It is vital that you choose a company that protects against malicious attacks through regular security and background checks.

The employees within an organization are another threat to cloud security as they may make careless mistakes (e.g., using a personal smartphone to access sensitive company data unknowingly without the security of the company’s own network).

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