What is dynamic cache?

In general, caching improves response time and reduces system load. Most of the techniques cache static content, i.e., the content that does not change over a long period of time. However, many websites serve dynamic content, which changes very frequently. In this case, the caching technique needs to be much more sophisticated and efficient.

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Dynamic cache stores entire pages of a website in the server RAM. The entire content from the database will be loaded on the first visit to that webpage and will then be stored in the web server’s memory. On subsequent visits, the page will be output directly from the server’s memory instead of looking up the database reducing the response time.

Let’s have a look at a few features of the dynamic cache service:

  • Ability to cache pages or fragments generated by a servlet/JSP page.

  • Dynamic web pages at the border of an enterprise network can be assembled, cached, and delivered.

  • Dynamic cache has replication support, i.e., cache sharing and duplication can be done across multiple servers.

  • Large amounts of data can be cached and preserved even if the application has to be terminated and restarted.

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