What is Go?

Go was formerly known as Golang due to its previous domain name: golang.org. It is a simple and easy-to-use open-source programming language designed by Google engineers to provide developers with a maintainable and efficient approach to developing programs. It has gained popularity for its fast compilation, built-in concurrency, and standard solid library. With its statically typed, Go offers improved performance, better code readability, and enhanced error checking.

In this Answer, we will explore the key features and benefits of the Go programming language and understand why it has become a favored choice among developers.


Go has gained significant popularity and adoption in the technology industry in big companies, including Google, Netflix, PayPal, DropBox, and many others. These companies have recognized Go's advantages and utilized it for their development needs.

Moreover, Go is used in various domains, making it a versatile language. Some domains where Go is widely used include web development, game development, cloud-based applications, and network programming.


Go offers various features and benefits that set it apart from other programming languages, making it a suitable choice for many developers. Some key advantages include:

  • Concurrency: It supports performing multiple tasks simultaneously using its multiple security features, such as goroutines which are simple threads to perform concurrent tasks. We can write simple concurrent programs, handle large numbers of tasks, and ensure safe communication between goroutines. 

  • Efficiency: It compiles directly to machine code without an interpreter, resulting in fast and efficient execution. Its efficient resource handling allows developers to utilize system resources and build highly scalable applications effectively.

  • Simplicity: It is a very simple language with understandable and easy-to-remember syntax. Its motivation is to reduce syntax complexity.

  • Static language: It allows variable types to be explicitly declared at compile-time. This helps catch errors early and enhances code clarity.

  • Compatibility with other platforms: It is compatible with multiple platforms as it supports multiple operating systems.

  • Memory management facility: It has a garbage collector to manage memory allocation and deallocation. This helps us avoid memory leakage and reduce errors related to memory management.

  • Ease in learning: It has a very active community to support and assist us when we are new to the language. A lot of resources and documentation are available online.


Every language has some limitations. The limitations of Go are the following:

  • No support for function overloading: Unlike traditional programming languages, Go does not allow us to have multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

  • Lack of generics: There is no support for generics available in Go. In projects where generics are essential, Go is not a suitable choice for us.

  • Limited error handling: The error handling in Go is limited and can be complex compared to our traditional programming languages.

  • Limited libraries: Since Go is still a new language, it has less library support which restricts us to use some functionalities in our code.

Coding example

 An example of a Go code that displays a string is the following:

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Happy learning with Educative")
  • Line 1: We declare the package name main that indicates that this file will be compiled into an executable program rather than a library.

  • Line 2: We import the fmt package that provides input and output functions.

  • Lines 4–6: We declare the function main which calls the Println function from the fmt package to print a line of text to the console. In this case, it prints the string "Happy learning with Educative."


Go is a programming language that offers simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency. Its clean syntax and simple design make it easy to learn and remember. It can be used by people with a wide range of skill levels, from beginners to experienced developers.

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