What is OCL?

OCL, known as object constraint language, is a declarative languageTells us what needs to be done, focusing on outcomes rather than step-by-step instructions. that enhances UML by defining rules and expressions to describe software system behaviors and properties precisely. It is often used to specify all types of constraints, including invariants, pre-conditions, and post conditions that must hold true in various stages of software development.

Why do we use OCL?

We use OCL for the following purposes:

  • It allows us to precisely define our software system's requirements, constraints, and behaviors.

  • It helps in the formal verification and validation of our software applications.

  • It removes unambiguity in our requirements by clarifying and simplifying complex constraints and properties.

  • It contributes to improved software quality by enforcing accurate and consistent behaviors.

Constraints in OCL

A constraint is a rule or limitation that defines a specific condition that must be met by our software system. We can describe three types of constraints using OCL:

  1. Invariants

  2. Pre-conditions

  3. Post conditions

Let's discuss how can we represent each of these in OCL.

1. Invariant

An invariant is a constraint that is supposed to be proven true before and after the execution of an operation. To represent invariants in OCL language, we write:

context <ClassName>
inv <InvariantName>: <expression>
Invariant representation in OCL
  • context: The keyword used to specify the context within which a constraint defined.

  • <ClassName>: The name of the class to which the constraint applies.

  • inv: The keyword that represents the invariant.

  • <InvariantName> (optional): The name of the invariant.

  • <expression>: The invariant we want to impose on the class.

2. Pre-condition

A pre-condition is a constraint that is supposed to be proven true before an operation. To represent pre-conditions in OCL language, we write:

context <ClassName>:: <OperationName>
pre <ConditionName>: <expression>
Pre-condition representation in OCL
  • context: The keyword used to specify the context within which a constraint is defined.

  • <ClassName>: The name of the class to which the constraint applies.

  • <OperationName>: The name of the operation (along with its parameters) which we want to ensure meets the pre-condition.

  • pre: The keyword that represents the pre-condition.

  • <ConditionName> (optional): The name of the pre-condition.

  • <expression>: The pre-condition we want to impose on the class.

3. Post condition

A post condition is a constraint that is supposed to be proven true after an operation. To represent post conditions in OCL language, we write:

context <ClassName>:: <OperationName>
post <ConditionName>: <expression>
Post condition representation in OCL
  • context: The keyword used to specify the context within which a constraint is defined.

  • <ClassName>: The name of the class to which the constraint applies.

  • <OperationName>: The name of the operation (along with its parameters) which we want to ensure meets the post condition.

  • post: The keyword that represents the post condition.

  • <ConditionName> (optional): The name of the post condition.

  • <expression>: The post condition we want to impose on the class.


Let's discuss an example to understand constraint representation in OCL. Suppose we have a UML diagram with two classes: Employee and Company.

UMl diagram of Employee and Company class
UMl diagram of Employee and Company class

  • If we have an invariant that each Employee working in the Company should have an age greater than 22, we represent this in OCL as:

context Employee
inv: self.name > 22
Example of invariant constraint

Here, we are referring to the attribute name of the Employee's class, so we write the Employee class as context. The keyword self is optional and refers to attributes within the context class.

Note: We cannot write the constraint for attribute or function of classes other than the context class defined.

  • If we have a pre-condition that the increment parameter of the increaseSalary function should be greater than 0 before the execution of the function, we represent this in OCL as:

context Employee::increaseSalary(increment: Real)
pre: increment > 0
Example of pre-condition constraint
  • If we have a post condition that after executing the increaseSalary function, the salary attribute of the employee should be greater than his previous salary, we represent this in OCL as:

context Employee::increaseSalary(increment: Real)
post: self.salary > self.salary@pre
Example of post condition constraint

Limitations of OCL

Let's discuss limitations of using OCL language.

  • Learning OCL syntax can be challenging if we are unfamiliar with formal languages.

  • Despite its formal nature, OCL expressions can sometimes still be ambiguous or open to interpretation.

  • Integrating OCL with existing software development processes and tools can sometimes require workflow adjustments.

  • OCL uses textual notation, which might not be as expressive as graphical notations for certain constraints.

  • Maintaining and updating OCL constraints alongside code changes can become challenging as software evolves.


OCL serves as a powerful tool in software engineering, removing ambiguity in requirements and making them more precise. While improving software quality, its formal nature can be challenging for our understanding. Nevertheless, OCL contributes to building reliable and well-defined software systems.

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