What is pre-order traversal?

Tree traversal means visiting all the nodes of a tree exactly once. Visiting can be interpreted as doing something to the node, for example, printing the value contained in it.

Pre-order traversal is one of the many ways to traverse a tree. It is mainly used when a tree needs to be duplicated.

Basic Algorithm

The following algorithm is specific to a binary tree but can be generalized​ to an n-ary tree (a tree where each node can have at most​ n children nodes).

  1. Visit the root
  2. Recursively traverse the left subtree
  3. Recursively traverse the right subtree
1 of 7

For an n-ary tree:

  1. Visit the root node
  2. Traverse the subtrees recursively from left to right
1 of 10


The following code snippet implements pre-order traversal for a binary tree.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Tree
char data;
Tree *left;
Tree *right;
Tree(char data)
this -> data = data;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
void PreOrderTraversal(Tree *node)
if(node == NULL){
cout << node -> data << ", ";
PreOrderTraversal(node -> left);
PreOrderTraversal(node -> right);
int main() {
Tree *root = new Tree('a');
root -> left = new Tree('b');
root -> right = new Tree('c');
root -> left -> left = new Tree('d');
root -> left -> left -> left = new Tree('e');
root -> left -> left -> right = new Tree('f');
return 0;

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