What is PyCharm?

An integrated development environment (IDE) facilitates computer programmers by integrating fundamental tools (e.g., code editor, compiler, and debugger) into a single software package. Users do not need to install the language’s compiler/interpreter on their machines; an IDE provides the environment itself.

PyCharm is a dedicated IDE for Python. It incorporates some state of the art features and is currently available in two editions:

  • professional (paid)
  • community (unpaid)


The following are some noteworthy features of PyCharm:

  • It inspects code to highlight errors, provides code completion facilities, and does a PEP8 quality audit.

  • It refactors code in an intelligent way.

  • It provides an integrated SSH terminal as well as Docker integration.

  • It integrates with ShellCheck to check bash files.

  • It offers support for frameworks like Django and Google App Engine.

  • It supports a multitude of packages like Numpy and Scikit-learn.

Some pros and cons of using ​Pycharm are:


  • It has a free edition.

  • It has a graphical user interface and is easy to use.


  • It takes time to load.

  • It is memory intensive.

Getting started

Pycharm can be installed on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. For more details, ​visit the official website.

Free Resources

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