Radix sort, unlike merge-sort or quick-sort, is a non-comparative sorting algorithm. The idea behind it is to sort a list of integers based on their individual digits. In other words, sorting is performed from the least significant digit to the most significant digit.
Radix sort uses the same idea behind count sort/bucket sort.
The following illustration underlines the working of the Radix sort algorithm:
The Radix sort algorithm in C++ is implemented below:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;// utility function for printing the array.void print(int arr[], int size){for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)cout << arr[i] << " ";cout << endl;}void RadixSort(int a[], int arraySize){// Initialize a bucket array and the starting LSD (digitPosition).int i, bucket[arraySize], maxVal = 0, digitPosition = 1;// Find the maximum value in the array.// The number of passes in the algorithm will be// the number of digits the largest number has (maxVal).for(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){if(a[i] > maxVal)maxVal = a[i];}int pass = 1; // used to show the progress/* This is the Count Sort algorothm: */while(maxVal/digitPosition > 0) {// digitCount[i] array will be counting the number// of array values having that 'i' digit at their// digitPosition-th place.int digitCount[10] = {0};// Count the number of times each digit occurred at (digitPosition)th place in every input.for(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)digitCount[a[i]/digitPosition%10]++;// Find cumulative count, so it now stores actual position// of the digit in the output array (bucket).for(i = 1; i < 10; i++)digitCount[i] += digitCount[i-1];// To keep the order, start from back side.for(i = arraySize - 1; i >= 0; i--)bucket[--digitCount[a[i]/digitPosition%10]] = a[i];// Rearrange the original array using elements in the bucketfor(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)a[i] = bucket[i];/* End of Count Sort Algo */// At this point, the array is sorted by digitPosition-th digitcout << "Pass #" << pass++ << ": ";print(a, arraySize);// Move to the next digit position, or next least significant digit.digitPosition *= 10;}}// Driver code.int main(){int arr[] = {82, 901, 100, 12, 150, 77, 55, 23};int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);cout << "The unsorted array is: " << endl;print(arr,size);cout << endl;cout << "Starting Radix Sort: " << endl;cout << "Pass #0: ";print(arr,size);RadixSort(arr,size);return 0;}
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