What is sigmoid and its role in logistic regression?

What is logistic regression?

Logistic regression is a common machine learning algorithm for binary classification and predicts a binary categorical variable through a logistic function.

The logistic regression model passes the outcome of a linear function of features through a logistic function to calculate the probability of an occurrence. The model then maps the probability to binary outcomes.

What is a sigmoid function?

The logistic function in linear regression is a type of sigmoid, a class of functions with the same specific properties.

Sigmoid is a mathematical function that takes any real number and maps it to a probability between 1 and 0.

The formula of the sigmoid function is:


The sigmoid function forms an S shaped graph, which means as xx approaches infinity, the probability becomes 1, and as xx approaches negative infinity, the probability becomes 0. The model sets a threshold that decides what range of probability is mapped to which binary variable.

Suppose we have two possible outcomes, true and false, and have set the threshold as 0.5. A probability less than 0.5 would be mapped to the outcome false, and a probability greater than or equal to 0.5 would be mapped to the outcome true.


Suppose, a regression model is fit using some training data to obtain β and x represents the input features:

The probability of zz being mapped to 1 is given by the equation:

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