What is SMTP?

SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) is an application layer protocol that is used to send emails from the sender’s mail server to the receiver’s mail server.


Suppose that person AA wants to send an email to person BB. The steps involved in this email transfer are:

  1. AA composes an email on their user-agent (e.g., Outlook) and adds the recipient’s email address.

  2. AA's user-agent sends the email to AA's mail server.

  3. The SMTP client process on AA's mail server opens a connection with the SMTP server process on BB's mail server by establishing a TCP connection on port 25 and conveying information (e.g., the sender’s email address and the receiver’s email address) to BB's mail server during handshaking.

  4. The SMTP client process on AA's mail server sends the email to the SMTP server process running on BB's mail server. Upon reception, the email is placed in BB's mailbox.

  5. BB can now pull the email from their mail server using a protocol like POP3 or IMAP.​

Person A sends an email to Person B
Person A sends an email to Person B

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