What is sqrt() in C?

The sqrt() function in C returns the square root of a number.

You must import the <math.h> library to use sqrt().


double sqrt(double x)


  • x: A floating point value, e.g., 4.0, 5.0, 20.6, etc.

Return value

sqrt() returns the square root of x.


In the example below, we use the sqrt() function to find the square root of some numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
// include the math libarary so as to use sqrt() method
#include <math.h>
// main function
int main () {
// Print square root of some values
printf("Square root of %lg is %lg\n", 4.0, sqrt(4) );
printf("Square root of %lg is %lg\n", 16.0, sqrt(16.0) );
printf("Square root of %lg is %lg\n", 3.3, sqrt(3.3) );

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