What is string.lower() in python?

The lower method in Python will convert all the characters of a string to lowercase.




The function takes in no parameter.

Return value

The function returns a new string which is created from string_A by converting all the characters of string_A into lowercase.

If there are no uppercase characters in string_A, then the original string is returned.

All the characters of the string are converted to lowercase


string_A = "EduCaTIVE"
print(string_A, " lower() -> ", string_A.lower())

In the code above, we have created an EduCaTIVE string and called the lower method which will convert all the characters of the string to lowercase.

string_A = "Educative"
string_B = "EDUCATIVE"
print("String_A = ", string_A)
print("String_B = ", string_B)
print("String_A == String_B ", string_A == string_B)
print("String_A.lower() == String_B.lower() ", string_A.lower() == string_B.lower())

In the code above, we have created two strings, Educative and EDUCATTIVE. When we compare the two strings, we will get False because the cases of the two strings are different.

We then used the lower method to convert both strings to lowercase. After both strings are converted to lowercase, we will get True when we check whether the two strings are the same.

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