What is the Ajax post example function?

AjaxAsynchronous JavaScript And XML is used to create asynchronous web applications. It is deployed on the client-side and makes use of several web technologies.

Ajax has made it easier to send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously without interfering with the existing page’s display and functionality.

Ajax is not a programming language and requires a built-in browser with the XMLHttpRequest object, which requests data from the server. It also uses JavaScript and HTML DOM to display the data.

Ajax post method

The Ajax post method sends an asynchronous request to the server to load data.

Its syntax is:

jQuery.post(url, data, callback, dataType)


  • url- is the address to which the request should be sent. It is mandatory.
  • data - a plaintext object or string sent to the server.
  • callback- an optional function that is executed if the request succeeds.
  • dataType - the type of data expected from the server. If this value is added, the callback must also be defined.

Ajax post example

Let’s look at an example – first, we need to introduce some HTML + jQuery text:

We need to define our post.asp file, which is also the first parameter of our .post method. This file also refers to the URL we wish to request.

// post.asp
dim name
Response.Write("Hello " & name & ". Welcome to Educative.")

When you click on the welcome button, this post.asp is executed, and the button is replaced with the following data.

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