The ctype_cntrl
method can be used to check if all the characters in the text are control characters.
ctype_cntrl(mixed $text): bool
This method returns a Boolean value.
The control characters are
: Null character.\n
: New line character.\b
: Backspace character.\t
: Horizontal tab character.\v
: Vertical tab character.\f
: Form field character.\r
: Carriage return character.\e
: Escape character.Read more about control characters here.
<?php$str = "\t";printIsControlCharacters($str);$str = "\n\r\t";printIsControlCharacters($str);$str = "123";printIsControlCharacters($str);$str = "a";printIsControlCharacters($str);function printIsControlCharacters($str){echo "The string is: ". $str. "\n";echo "Is Control Char: ";var_dump(ctype_cntrl($str));echo "---------\n";}?>
In the code above:
We have used the ctype_cntrl
method to check if the string contains only control characters.
For the string \t
and \n\r\t
, the ctype_cntrl
returns true
For the string 123
and a
, the ctype_cntrl
method returns false
because the string contains characters that are not control characters.