What is the decoct method in PHP?

The decoct method converts a decimal number to an octal string.

Octal is the base-8 number system and uses digits 0 to 7.


decoct(int $num): string


The argument is the decimal number that will be converted to an octal string.

The maximum value that can be converted is based on the platform of the computer.

  • In 32-bit platforms, the largest decimal value that can be converted is 4294967295, resulting in 37777777777.

  • In 64-bit platforms, the largest decimal value that can be converted is 9223372036854775807, resulting in 777777777777777777777.

Return value

decoct returns the octal value of the argument as a string.


$num = 8;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 9;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 10;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 11;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 12;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 13;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";
$num = 100;
echo "octal value of ". $num. " is: ". decoct($num)."\n";


In the code above, we use the decoct method to convert the decimal numbers 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 100 into octal representation.

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