Sorting is the act of rearranging a given sequence.
In Python, sorting is easily done with the built-in methods sort ()
and sorted()
and sort()
methods sort the given sequence in either ascending or descending order.Though these two methods perform the same task, they are quite different.
sorted(iterable, key, reverse=False)
This method doesn’t change the original list. (Refer Example 1, line 8)
Return Type : returns a sorted list. (Refer Example 1, line 7)
Iterable: It can be operated on any sequence (list, tuple, string), collection (dictionary, set, frozenset), or other iterator that needs to be sorted. (Refer Example-2)
List_name.sort(key, reverse=False)
This method makes changes to the original sequence.(Refer example-1,line-13)
Return Type: returns none, has no return value.(Refer Example-1,line-12)
is a method of the list class, so it can only be used with lists.
# based on alphabetical order of first lettercourts=["Supreme","High","District"]print(" the original list :",courts)# using sorted()new_list=sorted(courts)print("using_sorted():",new_list)#returns a sorted listprint("aft_sorting_lst",courts)#doesn't change original list#using sort()k=courts.sort()print("using_sort():",k)#returns Nothingprint("aft_sort_lst:",courts) #changes the original list
#Using diff datatypes sorting through sorted() methodcourts=["Supreme","High","District"]print(sorted(courts))#listcourts=("Supreme","High","District")#tupleprint(sorted(courts))courts="high"#stringprint(sorted(courts))courts={'Supreme':1,'High':2,'District':3}#dictionaryprint(sorted(courts))courts={"Supreme","High","District"}#setsprint(sorted(courts))#sort() is used only for lists#print("using sort():",courts.sort())# attribute error