What is the Ds\Vector remove() function in PHP?


The Vector class in PHP is an array that is automatically resized. The elements of a Vector instance are accessible via indexes.

This shot discusses the remove method of the Vector class.

The remove method removes an element from the Vector at the specified $index argument and returns the removed element.


public Ds\Vector::remove(int $index): mixed


  • $index is an integer that specifies the index of the Vector to be removed.

Return value

  • The value that is removed is returned.


  • OutOfRangeException is thrown if the index is not valid (e.g., is not in range).


$vec = new \Ds\Vector(["A", "B", "C"]);
print_r("Vector before remove call: ");
foreach ($vec as $elem) {
print_r($elem." ");
print_r("Element removed from index 1: ".$vec->remove(1));
print_r("Vector after remove call: ");
foreach ($vec as $elem) {
print_r($elem." ");


Vector before remove call: A B C
Element removed from index 1: B
Vector after remove call: A C 

To run this program, you need to install Data Structures for PHP on your local machine.

A new Vector is initialized and stored in the $vec variable in the example above. $vec consists of A, B, and C. The $vec->remove(1) expression invokes the remove method with the $index value of 1 over the $vec variable, resulting in the removal of element B from $vec. Moreover, the remove method call also returns this removed element, B.

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