What is the Erfcinv function in Golang?

The Erfcinv function

The Go programming language uses the Erfcinv function to find the inverse of the complementary error function of a certain decimal number.

To use this function, you must import the math package in your file and access the Erfcinv function within it using the . notation (math.Erfcinv). Here, Erfcinv is the actual function, while math is the Go package that stores the definition of this function.

The inverse complementary error function

The complementary error function is a sigmoid function used in probability, statistics, and partial differential equations. It equals the error function subtracted from 1 (1 - erf(x)); Erfcinv is defined as the functional inverse of this function. It is represented using erfc(x)1^{{-1}}, and the following formula defines the erfc(x) function:


Function definition

The definition of the Erfcinv function inside the math package is:


The Erfcinv function takes a single argument of type float64. This argument represents the decimal number whose inverse complementary error function you want to find.

Return value

The Erfcinv function returns a single value of type float64. This value represents the inverse complementary error function for a particular input argument.

Following are two types of return values only used by the function under certain circumstances:

  • NAN: Not a number, or NAN, is returned in all cases where the input argument is of undefined value or if input x is out of the range, i.e., x < 0 or x > 2.

  • +Inf: The Erfcinv function returns +Inf if the input argument has a value of 0.

  • -Inf: The Erfcinv function returns -Inf if the input argument has a value of 2.

Giving an empty argument or an argument that is not a numeric value results in an error.


Following is a simple example where we find out the inverse complementary error function of a positive decimal value:

package main
import ("fmt"
func main() {
x := 0.8
y := math.Erfcinv(x)
fmt.Print("The inverse complementary error function of ", x, " is ", y)

The following example shows how the Erfcinv function deals with arguments that are outside its domain:

package main
import (
func main() {
x := -1.0
y := math.Erfcinv(x)
fmt.Print("The complementary error function of ",x ," is ", y)

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