What is the <img> tag in HTML?

The <img> tag in HTML

The <img> tag is used to display an image on an HTML page. The structure of the <img> tag is as follows:

<img src="image_url" alt="alternate_text">

Notice that the <img> tag does not have a closing tag (e.g., </img>), since the <img> tag is only used as a placeholder for the image and the necessary information is passed as attributes to the <img> tag. Both src and alt are required attributes. The src attribute is the path to the image file (e.g., a URL or a relative path). The alt attribute is the text that should be displayed if the image can’t load.

Example usage of the <img> tag

The following code provides an example:

In the example above, two <img> tags were used. The first tag’s src attribute was a URL to a valid image, whereas for the second tag, the URL was invalid. Therefore, in the second case, the alt text This image does not exist is displayed. Moreover, for the first image, width and height attributes are also specified. These optional attributes allow you to alter the dimensions of the image.


Attribute Value Description Required
alt text Alternate text for the image which is displayed when the image fails to load Yes
crossorigin anonymous
Specifies how cross origin images are to be treated No
height pixels The height of the image in pixels No
ismap ismap A boolean attribute, which if present marks the image as a server-sided image and makes it clickable No
loading eager
Specifies whether the image should be loaded immediately or after a delay when some conditions are met No
longdesc URL URL to a resource that contains a detailed description of the image No
referrerpolicy no-referrer
Instructs the browser to use the specified referrer information when fetching the image No
sizes sizes Specifies the size of the image for different page layouts No
src URL URL of the image resource Yes
srcset URL-list List of URL image files to be used in different situations No
usemap #mapname Associates the specified <map> tag with the image and marks it as a client-side image map No
width pixels The width of the image in pixels No

Browser Support

Browser Support
Chrome Yes
Firefox Yes
Safari Yes
Edge Yes
Opera Yes

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