What is the jQuery get() method?

get() is a built-in method in jQuery that is used to retrieve data from the server using the HTTP GET request.

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$.get(url, [data], function, datatype)
  • url: URL of the server.
  • [data]: List of data items sent to the server along with the request. It is optional.
  • function: This function is called when the get() request is successful. It is optional.
  • datatype: The type of data expected from the server. It is optional.


In the code below, we have used the $(selector).click() function to fire the event on the button click. The message pops up when the button is pressed.


Include this library for jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js">
  • HTML

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