What is the os.error in Python?



The os.error in Python is the error class for all I/O errors and is an alias of the OSError exception. All the methods present in the OS module will raise the os.error exception when an inaccessible or invalid file path is specified.


Let's see an example of os.error in the code snippet below:

# import os module
import os
# file path
filePath = 'demo.txt'
# using os.open() to open the file
fileDescriptor = os.open(filePath, os.O_RDWR)
# using os.close() to close the file descriptor
except os.error:
print("Error in file:", filePath)


  • Line 2: We import the os module.
  • Line 4: We use the try block to execute OS methods.
  • Line 6: We declare a variable, filePath, containing the file path.
  • Line 9: We use the os.open() method to open the file and create its file descriptor.
  • Line 12: We use the os.close() method to close the file descriptor.
  • Line 14: We use the except block to catch any os.error exception.


When we try to open the file demo.txt in line 9, an os.error exception will be raised. This exception will be caught in the except block. We'll then print Error in file: demo.txt to the console.