What is the pandas DataFrame.itertuples() method in Python?


The pandas package in Python is renowned for the efficient data manipulation of large datasets. Therefore, we are going to discuss the itertuples() function of the DataFrame class.

The DataFrame.itertuples() method returns an iterator object of DataFrame, returning each row as a Python tuple.


DataFrame.itertuples(index=True, name='Pandas')
An example of DataFrame.itertuples()


It takes the following argument values:

  • index: Boolean type, default is True
    • If it is set to True, it returns the index as the first element of the tuple.
  • name: The string or None type, the default value is 'pandas'.
    • string: When set to 'pandas', it returns pandas named tuples.
    • None: When set to None, it returns regular tuples.

Return value

It returns an iterator of DataFrame, to iterate over the named tuples for each row.


In the code snippet below, we are going to create an instance of DataFrame class and invoke itertuples() to extract each row of DataFrame as a tuple.

import pandas as pd
# a data dictionary
data = {
"Name": ["Sally", "Forgins", "Jhony", "Nourine"],
"Designation": ["HR", "Software Engineer", "System Enginner", "Finance"],
"Salary" :["$10,500","$12,000","$14,000","13,200"]}
# creating DataFrame with default feature names
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# iterate through each row
# to get each row as a tuple
for row in df.itertuples():


  • Line 3: We create a dictionary containing the name, designation, and salaries of employees.
  • Line 8: We use pd.DataFrame() to create a data frame on the dictionary created above.
  • Line 11: We iterate through DataFrame rows and converting each row into a tuple by using itertuples().

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