What is the purpose of "memory" keyword in Ethereum Solidity?


To better understand the memory keyword, we first need to understand how Ethereum stores data for smart contracts execution.

Data/variables can be stored in:

  • Memory
  • Storage


  • We store data in memory temporarily. For instance, data stored in the computer's RAM wipe out when the computer is turned off or after the function returns.
  • We also store the function arguments and local variables in memory.
  • Memory has limited space available. Thus, all function's local variables are deleted after the function returns.
  • More local variables (stored in memory) are created when a function is called.


The syntax to declare memory variables is as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
// declaring a smart contract
contract exampleContract {
function updateAge() public pure returns (uint[] memory retArr)
uint[] memory age; // declares an unsigned int array in memory
age[0] = 20;
return age; // after the function returns, the "age" array will be deleted from memory

Memory variables can only be declared inside functions. When it is declared outside of a function, it will give an error, as shown in the example below:

pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
// declaring a smart contract
contract exampleContract {
uint[] memory age; // this line would give error, as "memory" variables can only be declared in fucntions
function updateAge() public pure returns (uint[] memory retArr)
age[0] = 20;
return age; // after the function returns, the "age" array will be deleted from memory


  • It stores data permanently, e.g., like a hard drive
  • We store the state variables in storage.
  • Storage has more space available. Thus it retains data even after the function has returned.
  • Storage variables can only be declared when the smart contract is being deployed.


Syntax to declare storage variables is as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
// declaring a smart contract
contract exampleContract {
uint[] age; // this array is declared in storage instead of memory
function updateAge() public returns (uint[] memory retArr)
age[0] = 20;
return age; // after the function returns, the "age" array will remain in the storage


Memory variables have faster access times as compared to storage variables because to access/modify storage variables. We'll need to traverse the entire modified MPT (Merkle Patricia tree-where all users' data is stored), whereas the memory variables will be created in the memory/RAM of the Virtual Machine (where the code is running on Ethereum nodes), which is much faster than the traversal of the entire modified MPT, stored in the hard drive.

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