What is the range() method in PHP?

The range method can be used to create a sequence of numbers as an array.


range(string|int|float $start, string|int|float $end, int|float $step = 1): array


  • start: Starting value of the array. The start value is included.

  • end: End value of the array. The end value is included.

  • step: The increment value between elements. It is an optional value, and the default value is 1.

Points to note

  • If the start is greater than the end, then the range will be in decrementing order. For example, consider:
start = 10
end = 6
step = 2 

range(10, 6, 2) => [10, 8, 6] 
  • We can use the range method to generate character sequences. The character sequence range is limited to a length of one. If a length greater than one is given, then only the first character is used.


$numbers = range(0,2);
echo "Start: 0, End: 3, Step: 1\n";
$numbers = range(1.5, 3.3, 0.5);
echo "Start: 1.5, End: 3.3, Step: 0.5\n";
$characters = range('a', 'e', 2);
echo "Start: a, End: e, Step: 2\n";
function printArray($array){
echo "The array is \n";
echo "\n";

In the code above, we used the range method to generate a sequence of numbers and characters.

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