What is the statistics quantiles() method in Python?


The statistics.quantiles() method in Python is used to return the quantiles that correspond to the numbers n contained in the iterable containing data.

To explain further, when you assign a number to the n parameter, the function returns the corresponding n-1 quartiles. For example, if the n parameter is assigned as 10 for deciles, the statistics.quantiles() method will return 10-1=9 cut points of equal intervals.

A quantile defines a particular data set. In other words, a quantile determines how many values in a distribution are above or below a certain limit. A quantile can be a quartile, percentiles, and quintile.


Statistics.quantiles(data, *, n=4, method = ‘exclusive’)

Parameter values




An iterable that contains the data from which you want to obtain the quantiles. This is required.


The number of quantiles you want. This parameter takes an integer value, which is 4 by default. This is optional.


The method by which the quantiles are to be calculated; exclusive or inclusive. It is exclusive by default.

Return value

The statistics.quantiles() method returns a list that contains the numeric values of the upper n-1 quantiles.


Now, let’s use the statistics.quantiles() method to return the upper quartile values of a data set.


import statistics
data1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
# to return the upper three quartiles
third_quartiles = statistics.quantiles(data1, n=4)
print('The third quartile of the given data set is', third_quartiles)


  • Line 1: We import the statistics module.
  • Line 3: We create our data set named data1.
  • Line 5: We use the statistics.quantiles() method to return the three upper quartiles of the data set and assign it to a variable called third_quartiles.
  • Line 6: We print the output of our variable third_quartile.

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