What is the string class in F#?

Before continuing with this Answer, referring to a brief overview of F# may be helpful.

Strings are one of the most widely used data types in programming and are crucial for text processing, input/output operations, and data manipulation in various applications. The string class is an essential part of the F# standard library, which provides powerful functionality for working with strings. This Answer will delve into F# string manipulation fundamentals by closely examining the string class.

Strings in F#

The F# string type pertains to immutable text represented as a sequence of Unicode characters, serving the System.String in .NET. In F#, string literals are enclosed by double quotation marks "".

let someStr = "hello world!"

Escape sequence

Special characters are denoted by the backslash character, which forms an escape sequence combined with the next character. The supported escape sequences for F# string literals are detailed below:

Escape sequence












The escape sequences aren’t limited to those provided in the table; there are also other escape sequences available.

let someStr = "hello\\world!"
printfn "Example of escape sequence: %s" someStr
Illustrating escape sequences

Concatenation operator

As the string type is a NET Framework System.String type, which means that all the System.String members can be used. One such method is the + operator, which concatenates strings. The Length property, and the Chars property both return the string as an array of Unicode characters.

Code example

The code below depicts the use of the + and Length method:

let a = "Hello"
let b = "World"
let c = a + " " + b
printfn "The concatenated string is: %s" c
printfn "The lenght of string is: %d" c.Length
Concatenating strings and retrieving length of string
  • Lines 1–2: We define the variables a and b, both containing the strings Hello and World respectively.

  • Line 3: We concatenate the strings with the + operator and store it in a new variable c.

  • Line 4: We print the result.

  • Line 5: We find the length of the string and print the result.

In conclusion, understanding string manipulation in F# is essential for effective data manipulation and processing. It allows developers to efficiently handle text-based operations within their applications, enhancing productivity and code clarity.

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