What is Z-transform?

Z-transform is a complex frequency domain representation of discrete-time signals. We can say that Z-transform is a generalization of discrete-time Fourier transformEvaluated over the unit-circle of Z-domain, and equivalent to Laplace transform.

Basics of Z-transform

Z-transform provides a way to solve linear, constant-coefficient equations of the order KK, where the equation contains the first KKdifferences of the sequence or function it refers to.

The following equation is an effective way to define Z-transform:

In the equation above, the value rrdefines the magnitude of zz, and ω\omegarepresents the angle. The zzvariable is complex and is multiplied by the summation.

Types of Z-transform

On a surface level, Z-transform has two different types:

  1. Bi-directional Z-transform

  2. Uni-directional Z-transform

Bi-directional Z-transform is what we saw above. The only difference between these two is the range of the summation on which their multiplication is defined. In bi-directional Z-transform, the summation ranges from -\infin to ++\infin.

In uni-directional Z-transform, whereas, the summation ranges from 00to ++\infin. We can write it as follows:

One other thing left to discuss is the inverse Z-transform formula. It is stated as follows:

The CC in the integral is the counterclockwise path that encapsulates the poles of X(z)X(z).

The Region of Convergence (RoC)

The Region of Convergence (RoC) is the set of the points for which the Z-transform converges. This means that the summation tends to end before \infin. ROC is used mainly in questions that revolve around Z-transform.

It is a ring or disc in the zz-plane centered on the origin. Also, it cannot contain any poles. Poles are values of zz for which Q(z)Q(z) is 00 in the equation:

Let's take a look at a diagram to understand better:

Poles with R2 denoting the RC


Let's find the response of the system:

Here, all initial conditions are set to 00.

Then, the following has S(z)S(z) as the response:


We use Z-transform in the following:

  • Mathematical and signal processing

  • Digital filters

  • Linear discrete system

  • System design and analysis

  • Telecommunication automatic controls

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